Galleon Family

Name: Princess Afura Galleon

Age: 13

Birthday: 29 April

Blood type: AB

Eyes : Purple

Hair : Yellow

Family: Twin sister (Azure) and mother (Amelia)

Favorite colors: Black

Favorite food: Coffee

Favorite novel: none

Hobbies: Comb her hair

Wish: -

Story: Princess Afura is Princess Azure's twin sister (elder). She and Azure was Edrei's best friends. She loves teasing her sister with Edrei.


Name: Princess Azure Galleon

Age: 13

Birthday: 29 April

Blood type: AB

Eyes : Green

Hair : Yellow

Family: Twin sister (Afura) and mother (Amelia)

Favorite colors: White

Favorite food: Tea

Favorite novel: none

Hobbies: Make-up

Wish: -

Story: Princess Azure was Edrei's first love. Even after they broke up, thy still become friends.


Name: Queen Amelia Galleon

Age: 35

Birthday: 22 August (Cancer)

Blood type: B

Eyes : Purple

Hair : Yellow

Family: Daughters (Afura and Azure)

Favorite colors: Golden

Favorite food: Tea

Favorite novel: none

Hobbies: Walking around his Rose garden

Wish: To released Redd family from Blue Rose Curse so she could marry one of her princess with Edrei.




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